Windows 10 Final Free Full Version Download Free Upgrade Product Key

As announced Microsoft will offer Free upgrades to Windows 10,  for Windows 8.1 users and then for Windows 7 users and also to Windows Phone 8.1 devices.

The free upgrade is now available for the first year only .and once expired the updates would be only if you pay your version !

With Windows 10, Microsoft hopes it can inspire customers to seek out its products, rather than feeling like they have to use them !

How to Download and Register your Windows 10 ?

If interested simply follow these steps bellow :

1 - Sign up for the Windows Insider Program, if you haven't already.

2 - Read the system requirements.

3 - Click one of the Download links on this page to download a special file—it's called an ISO file—that you can use to install the preview.

4 - When the download is complete, transfer the ISO file to installation media such as a USB flash drive or DVD.

4 - Double-tap or double-click setup.exe from the installation media, and then follow the steps.

Note : your product key would be visible once you access to this Microsoft page here and this is the latest  version of Windows 10  with August  updates

Enjoy !
